Endo-periodontal Lesions

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108,00 EUR + KDV
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Foce, Edoardo
Endo-periodontal Lesions
1st edition 2011
Hardcover, 148 Seiten, 853 Abbildungen (farbig)
Sprache: Englisch
Fachgebiete: Endodontie, Parodontologie
Best.-Nr.: 18241
ISBN 978-1-85097-210-5
Quintessenza Edizioni S.r.l.
108.00 €
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Endodontic and periodontal lesions can manifest identical symptoms despite originating from separate pathogens, and traditional classification has reinforced etiological imprecision in both diagnosis and treatment. 
Supported by a thorough analysis of the diagnostic, etiopathogenic, and clinical factors, the author of this succinct book proposes new terminology and a simplified classification of endo-periodontal lesions that shed light on an ambiguous pathologic situation that is often misinterpreted in clinical practice. Step-by-step, the reader is guided through a systematic differential diagnosis in order to distinguish the signs and symptoms arising from each etiology that determine how to proceed with appropriate treatment. 
The author presents an interdisciplinary approach to treatment planning as well as predictable clinical protocols to ensure success in treatment. Abundant case documentation illustrates the close connection between the dental pulp and the periodontium and shows the variety of clinical situations in which this dual-natured pathology can present.
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Endo-periodontal Lesions Quintessence Yayıncılık, Diş hekimlerine tüm alanlarda kullanabilecekleri yeni bilimsel ve pratik konuları en doğru biçimde ulaştırmak amacındadır. Dünyada maksillo fasiyal alanda liderdir ve 22 ülkede 45 adet profesyonel diş hekimliği dergisi yayınlamaktadır. Ayrıca yayınlanmış 980 adet kitap, hazırlanmış 370 adet film, hasta eğitimine yönelik DVD ve CD lerde bulunmaktadır. 18241 Endo-periodontal Lesions

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